
Showing posts from January, 2018

perseverance :)

Perseverance. Should Schools teach kids about perseverance? I think that schools should ditch the verbs and adverbs and start teaching kids things that actually will benefit them in their life's. I'm not saying we shouldn't teach children grammar stuff at all, but once kids come to a certain age they should really start thinking about all their life goals. Perseverance is a really important thing to learn as you get older. I mean it's not like you're gonna sit at home all day long trying to solve math equations or read. If we got to learn about perseverance schools should teach it to us. There should be a little chat about perseverance here and there. I think it would really benefit children to learn what it is. That's all I have to say byee :) ♡ 

thankful :)

I know it's reallyyyy late to talk about Thanksgiving but that doesn't mean I can't be thankful for things in my life. Things that i'm thankful for are:  1. My family. I love my family so much they are always there for me when I need them.  2. My friends. I also love my friends they make me laugh to the point where i'm balling my eyes out. They always know how to make me feel better about things.  3. Food. I mean you can't go wrong with food. Without food I wouldn't be living. 4. Shelter. Without the roof under my head I wouldn't be here.  5.  Tv. I love tv so much oh my god it's an actual problem. I watch tv a lot. I love to binge watch shows on Netflix.  6. My bed. My bed is probably my favorite thing in my house. If I came home to take a nap after school and had to sleep on the floor I would complain to my mom and she will threaten to kick me out the house.  That's all i'm thankful for byee :) ♡♡

Outsiders blog :)

For this blog I have to compare myself to an Outsiders character. I didn't really know who I wold be so I asked other people. Some people said I'm Dally and most people said I was Two-bit. I guess i'm like Two-bit because people think i'm really funny just like him and that I always try to lighten the mood when something bad happens. I mean that is pretty true because I don't like to see other people down so I try to make them laugh and feel better. Two-bit is also lazy and I am very lazy. I'm so lazy sometimes it's not even funny how lazy I am. That's all byee :) ♡

gifts :)

I know it's a little late to be talking about gifts since Christmas has passed but I need to finish up some posts that I have been missing, so instead of doing holiday gifts i'm gonna be talking about birthday gifts. My birthday is allllll the way in the summer July 30th to be exact so I don't really have to worry about any gifts right now. Anyways what I really like getting for my birthday is money. I mean you can't go wrong with money it's the easiest gift you can give anyone. I like to get money so I can just buy my own present without someone buying me one and me not liking it. What I also really like to get is gift cards to my favorite places. If I get gift cards It's just like money I can buy whatever I want but just from a specific store without making other people feel bad because I didn't like their gift. Another thing that I really like is candy. I love any candy except for peanut butter flavored thing. I'm not really a huge fan of peanut but

Short story :)

The accident wasn't her fault. All of it went by in a flash. I Madeline Winters watched as the innocent girl was fled out of school. Okay I know this all of this may sound confusing so let me give you a little back story. It all started on a beautiful fall day. Leaves falling, wind blowing. I was standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come pick me up. My neighbor Sienna and her friend Julia were standing right beside me when all of a sudden Julia starts screaming at Sienna for whatever reason. It was so intense that Julia had to call her mom for a ride cause she didn't want to be standing with Sienna anymore.  The bus came and I asked her what happened. She just stormed off into the bus. Later on that day our teachers announced to the whole class that there was gonna be a drug checking inspection by the cops towards the afternoon. Couple hours past by and i'm now in class. Sienna leaves to go to the bathroom and once she leaves I see Julia get up. I watch Julia sne

free post :)

As always being the person I am I decide to do my blog post on the last day before its due. Well anyways this break has been really boring besides Christmas and new years :). I was supposed to go to Florida for a week and 2 days but I don't know what happened. Disregarding that for Christmas I got lots of money and gift cards to my favorite places like: Bath and Body works, McDonald's, Forever 21, H&M, and more but its too long to list. I got clothes, apple headphones because I always either break the or lose them, makeup and a lot more things. I am very thankful for everything that I got and I love it all. For new years eve my family came over and we stayed up till like 3am celebrating the new year. That's all I did for winter break byeee :)  ♡